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Moola Shodhan – Ganesha Kriya


Learn how to cleanse your rectum in the yogic way in order to get rid of waste stuck in rectum or intestines. Detailed description of procedure or benefits.

Agnisara Kriya


Learn how to create a fat-burning fire inside yourself with this picture, video and detailed description by Yashendu Goswami.

Kapalbhati Pranayama


Learn how to do Kapalbhati Pranayama and how it is beneficial for you. Picture, description and video online by Yashendu Goswami.

Kunjar Kriya


Learn how to do this vomiting therapy to remove mucus and toxins from the body. Detailed description, picture and video.

Upavistha Konasana


Learn doing the wide angle seated forward bend with a detailed description, video and picture by Yashendu Goswami.

Surya Bheda Pranayama


Activate the sun in your body with this breathing technique. Details on how to do it as well as its benefits along with a video of Yashendu Goswami.

Dwi Pada Sirsasana


Can you bring your legs behind your head? Learn how to do it with a detailed description, pictures and a video!

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